A blog with no direction, no sense of purpose, a little of nothing and a bit of everything. You may get my nonsense ramblings or some in-depth topics. This is my real first attempt at trying to create an actual on going blog, so bare with me while I learn and grow along the way. I am sure as I find the things easier to blog about it might start to shift towards that, or I will create additional blogs to better suit those subjects and topics. Either way thanks for those who stop to check me out.
US Championship Cheese contest part that is open to the public is very lacking. The samples were not many, and not many varieties. Should have had plenty more to sample and more than the usual kinds we already buy. Need to open up people to other varieties out there.
I know a lot of it is judging the cheeses, and not much the public can do about that but I think it should be much better organized on the public end of it. It is the US Championship Cheese contest and we are Wisconsin, we should know how to put out some cheese to sample...lol In my opinion they should have made available samples from every entry and had a public vote too. Then there could be a people's champ in every category and overall too. That is just my two cents but hey I don't run the show.
A friend on Facebook posted a link to a YouTube video about wealth inequality in America.
Now I watched this video and OK yes I can totally understand the statistics it shows, but one thing I can never figure out is what is this so called "Wealth Inequality"? Is the success of others albeit a small % really making it that it is not equal for the rest of us to have a piece of the pie too?
I mean look poor people are not poor just because a small % of wealthy people are just that, wealthy. That small % of wealthy people are not really stealing peoples money and preventing them from rising above that poor level, granted there obvious cases of theft of this nature from the wealthy to the poor and everyone in between looking to cash a fast buck.
If you watch the video the narrator says exactly why there is such huge gaps between the very successful and everyone else, the rest of us simply do not save and invest enough.
You know it isn't because people can't afford to save and invest, it isn't because of their color, or any other excuse they want you to believe. I think the main reason is that most of us simply can't live within our means and too much of a got to have it now instead of later attitude.
Let us take someone who is not wealthy, doesn't matter if they are poor or middle class really. How much has this person bought lets say on credit? How much money is thrown away on the interest from the borrowed line of credit? How much of that stuff on credit was actually something that was an emergency purchase compared to simply can't wait to have it? What if that person saved money and bought it with cash, maybe even got a better price, and didn't pay any interest now? Automatically that is extra money in their pocket they didn't spend, now considering they would have just thrown it away before why couldn't they instead transfer that to some sort of savings? Wow amazing how just by being patient and waiting to buy something when they can actually afford it, they saved money that can in return be in saved or invested.
Now lets look at groceries. Why not make a small investment into a chest freezer, then make larger grocery shops so you are going to the store less often. Less times to the store means you are saving gas, which means you are both saving money and using less gas which is better for your pocket book and environment. Look for as many coupons you can use, find when you can double them up, look for in-store specials, and so on. You don't have to get coupon crazy but even just some simple coupon gathering and looking for the best deals you can save countless money or get better value for the money you spend both of which are savings to you. All those save $.30, $.50, $1.00 buy one get one and so on will add up.
What about luxury items such as internet, cable or satellite TV, cell phones, and so on? How many of these could you really afford to live without, or lower your plans to save money?
I would have to imagine even a poor person could easily end up saving a couple $1000 a year by doing these things. Sure it might not seem like a lot, but now if you keep saving that year after year and not touch it you can start to build a nice little nest egg. You get enough you can take it from savings and move some of it to investments and yield a bigger return on your investment. Another wow moment because you are putting yourself into position to start having your money make money for you, this is basically what wealthy people do isn't it? You might not be making millions, but any free money made is good money. If you do everything right you could easily put yourself in a position that you will be complimenting your income enough to put you above being poor.
Why don't we also do more to promote investing and saving to our youth? Why not initiate school savings programs, make it easier to open savings accounts with very little money at our banks, or even open special savings places where not only kids but even the less fortunate can have it easier to save even the smallest amounts. Other nations do this, and places like Japan it is so common for people to just put money into their savings.
We need to start waking up and learning to be responsible for ourselves again. Why should be mad at the "1%" I mean really shouldn't we be mad at ourselves instead? We always want to blame someone or something for our failures. The way these people make it sound the "1%" are sitting around plotting this out or something. The only thing they do is take advantage of the opportunities and are capitalizing on them. You also have to remember those who invest also have failures too that lose a lot of wealth and money, you never hear about that though. That is a big difference between them and the rest of us, they are willing to take risks and chances to get ahead.
Really the "1%" should be the people we look up to. We don't need to reach the "1%" but rather be inspired by what they do and what it takes to reach that. I mean really do you want be inspired by successful people or people who do nothing to bring success? As they say there is always a million excuses not to do something, seems to me blaming the "1%" is just another one of those excuses.