The debate over gun ownership, types of guns and ammo is turning more into a he said she said battle with neither side coming up with a compromise that can see results.
There needs to be both better gun regulation and stricter gun laws for those who decide to commit crimes with firearms.
Why not develop a series of tests and gun safety training that all gun owners must comply with every so many years and every time they purchase a new gun regardless of when their last testing was? Develop certain tests depending on what type of firearms they own or intend to purchase. Even have testing done for purchases of ammo depending on the type that they have to do every time. Yes it can prove to be a hassle for law abiding gun owners, but I think it would be a small inconvenience to give up in order to retain the right to own guns and to show to the doubters that good gun owners are willing to go through the steps to ensure they are held to the highest standard just to purchase and own guns and ammo.
Why not put a ban on private sales of guns, rather set up either a trade in or credit type system supported by the government as a way to help reduce the number of "extra" guns in America or from even being exported to other countries too? Licensed gun dealers could accept used guns as trade in or give customers credit for future purchases, and then in return the government would buy back these used guns and/or maybe give some type of tax breaks or something that benefits the business for entering the program. Another option would be to have a government buy back program for used guns, either have centers where citizens can return their used guns, law enforcement pick up, and so on. The citizens could either be paid a fair market value of the gun, given vouchers for future new gun purchases, or given some sort of tax break.
As far as gun laws go, make it simple and enact real serious tough strict laws for those who decide to use firearms to commit crimes. Make it federal law where every state has to abide by the same laws and consequences, so there are no loop holes for lawyers to get their clients off on technicalities and such. Make it known that we are serious about the laws and if you are convicted you will be seriously punished. I would put it like automatic life no parole sentence for anyone convicted either of killing or shooting someone with a firearm not in self defense. 25 years for anyone convicted of shooting a firearm in the act of a crime. 10 years for anyone who simply brandishes or assaults anyone during the act of a crime. These years also to be served on top of any other convictions and times they face current and former.
The bottom line is both extreme sides need to figure where they can meet in the middle when it comes to guns. Personally I think it is unfair to blame the guns as the problem, I think that is just the typical let's blame someone or something else for our real problems. America has always been a country of gun owners and a high gun ownership rate, yet there once was a time that the type of senseless violence we see with guns was rare and hardly seen. The problem has never been the guns but rather the people both who commit crimes with guns and those who oppose them. We need to learn as individuals to be morally responsible and for each of us to be held accountable for our actions. This not only applies to guns but with our everyday lives as well. Isn't about time Americans learn to set the example and not be the ones laughed at?
This will also help to turn around problematic neighborhoods too and lower the crime rate all across the nation as well. Properly trained law abiding gun owning citizens in conjunction with law enforcement can reclaim these unsafe neighborhoods, turn them around and pave the way for the children and people in them to have more opportunities to succeed and get ahead. They can learn to take pride in their communities, people will not be scared or intimidated anymore, criminals will have less chances of finding safe havens to operate out of. When there is more opportunities there is less chance of people turning to crime.
Will these ideas ever stop someone from going out and committing mass senseless killings? No not at all, but we can at least ensure that the people who do own guns and adhere to the regulations put in place they will surely result in the absolute lowest percentage of people who do commit crimes with firearms. Sure people who were law abiding gun owning citizens from time to time still do commit crimes with firearms, and no matter what you can never eliminate all firearm deaths because even in countries with the strictest laws and lowest crime rates still have gun deaths.
I also think gun manufacturers need to maybe only make guns on a per order basis. No store should ever stock any firearms outside of the display models. I think display models should also have something removed or added that makes it difficult to remove that would disable the guns from actually being able to be used. This way anyone who steals a gun from a store would more than likely not be able to use it. Also stores should be made to have cases that are theft proof and/or have to lock up all firearms and instead of digital displays of the types of guns they sell. When a customer finds a gun they want to look at, the employee would retrieve the gun from a secured case/location so the customer can see it in person. Make it too that even to just look at a gun in person in a store the customer has to provide their identification. Stores need to show that they are willing to also enforce these tough regulations. In the end someone who wants to legally own a gun will just have to accept the way things are.
These are just my thoughts and opinions on the subject
A blog with no direction, no sense of purpose, a little of nothing and a bit of everything. You may get my nonsense ramblings or some in-depth topics. This is my real first attempt at trying to create an actual on going blog, so bare with me while I learn and grow along the way. I am sure as I find the things easier to blog about it might start to shift towards that, or I will create additional blogs to better suit those subjects and topics. Either way thanks for those who stop to check me out.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
political rant
OK I really tried to not speak up during this whole political fiasco my country is engaged in, but now the elections are over I will add my two cents.
To put it simple seriously WTF people, it is no wonder the world is messed up the way the voting goes. How completely stupid to target specific groups of people just to win their votes, that is like the most retarded thing ever. Why not promote unity and us all being together in the same boat instead for once. It is idiots of the left that simply promote this division and it really just shows how dumb most people are, like lambs being led to the slaughter. I know the religious right does look like a bunch of mental patients, but from what I have seen of the liberal left they surely are the icing on the cake.
What exactly are you left trying to accomplish, please explain it to me? Seems to me everybody has their own agenda and this is one of the prime reasons why nothing ever gets done to really benefit anyone. It is also obvious majority of you have zero clue when it comes to politics too, I bet most of you still think that the President can just do and change things at his own will. I bet most of you forgot that it is congress that really runs the country and it is they who says what will and will not be passed of what the President purposes. Yeah, isn't that just a shocker to you? Next I would get a refresher course in who has controlled congress most just say since after WWII.
I don't have my data with me, it is back home and I am out of country right now (at the original time of writing this). I think though from like 1945-2009 democrats controlled congress something like 43 years, republicans like 10 or 12 and split like 10-12, I am sorry for not having the exact accurate info on hand but you can see what I am trying to show. Now here is the best part for all you republican haters, the largest increases in the deficit come when we have split congress and then when dems control it. The few times republicans actually controlled congress they actually decreased the deficit more times than they increased it, wow yeah isn't that nuts. Don't count when they controlled it and we were at war either, I wouldn't count that against the dems myself. So next time you all want to say look at what Clinton did, remember he had rep controlled congress who at least worked with him and they accomplished things and that is a fact.
You know you liberal left supporters maybe if you stopped bitching and complaining about how life sucks so bad for you and actually decided to offer real viable solutions you might actually get some stuff done. The only real thing I see from you is your hell bent mission to not let conservatives take control of government. I bet most of you have serious debt based on credit issues too, I mean that is what liberals believe in most the whole let's just spend it now and let the future worry about our mistakes since we take zero responsibility for our actions.
update quick from 1960-2009 the deficit increased 29 times and decreased 21 times, of those increases 21 of 29 times the dems controlled congress was split 6 times and reps only 2 times. in the 21 times it decreased the reps were responsible for 8 times and did so only between 1995-2006 (11 years), split only managed it twice during Reagan's time, and dems only did it 11 times despite controlling congress 32 of the years between 1960 and 2009. So dems 21 years of increased deficit compared to 11 decreased years.
You can certainly argue your personal view points on why you may not like conservatives but you are basing it on social action and not government action. This is no different than a modern day separation of church and state in my opinion. We are letting too many social actions get in the way of letting government be able to better manage itself. Maybe at best the government should say ok we will set aside a certain percentage of spending for social programs and then hand the money off to a separate entity that then decides who and where the money will go. Liberals don't understand that bringing our deficit into check actually can open up the opportunity for more money to be allotted to more social programs and education. We can then give people more incentive to donate money via tax breaks to also better support social programs that the individual actually supports and believes in. Why should tax money be going to some programs that some tax payers disagree with completely? I think a certain level of social programs is needed because there are indeed times when people are down and out or just need a little helping hand to get by, plus things like education are very important too. Now education is important but school boards, tuition and stuff need to also be brought into check. People complain corporations are making so much money, but they forget how much money people are making through the education systems here. You can try to argue teachers don't get paid enough, but I say for public school teachers the money they make is damn good actually. The schooling they went for doesn't get them six figure salaries nor does any other profession with that level of schooling typically. If they go and get super educated and only are satisfied with being a public school teacher then they are the fools.
Well bottom line is we need to wake up and figure out how to let government run itself efficiently. We need to stop wasteful spending throughout and seriously make major cut backs. It will hurt some people yes, but that also means we the people need to stand up and be more accountable in our actions. We should take a look at some other places and see how the citizens conduct themselves and maybe take a lesson from them. Enough with the me first attitude and change it to a lets make our country a better place for all.
To put it simple seriously WTF people, it is no wonder the world is messed up the way the voting goes. How completely stupid to target specific groups of people just to win their votes, that is like the most retarded thing ever. Why not promote unity and us all being together in the same boat instead for once. It is idiots of the left that simply promote this division and it really just shows how dumb most people are, like lambs being led to the slaughter. I know the religious right does look like a bunch of mental patients, but from what I have seen of the liberal left they surely are the icing on the cake.
What exactly are you left trying to accomplish, please explain it to me? Seems to me everybody has their own agenda and this is one of the prime reasons why nothing ever gets done to really benefit anyone. It is also obvious majority of you have zero clue when it comes to politics too, I bet most of you still think that the President can just do and change things at his own will. I bet most of you forgot that it is congress that really runs the country and it is they who says what will and will not be passed of what the President purposes. Yeah, isn't that just a shocker to you? Next I would get a refresher course in who has controlled congress most just say since after WWII.
I don't have my data with me, it is back home and I am out of country right now (at the original time of writing this). I think though from like 1945-2009 democrats controlled congress something like 43 years, republicans like 10 or 12 and split like 10-12, I am sorry for not having the exact accurate info on hand but you can see what I am trying to show. Now here is the best part for all you republican haters, the largest increases in the deficit come when we have split congress and then when dems control it. The few times republicans actually controlled congress they actually decreased the deficit more times than they increased it, wow yeah isn't that nuts. Don't count when they controlled it and we were at war either, I wouldn't count that against the dems myself. So next time you all want to say look at what Clinton did, remember he had rep controlled congress who at least worked with him and they accomplished things and that is a fact.
You know you liberal left supporters maybe if you stopped bitching and complaining about how life sucks so bad for you and actually decided to offer real viable solutions you might actually get some stuff done. The only real thing I see from you is your hell bent mission to not let conservatives take control of government. I bet most of you have serious debt based on credit issues too, I mean that is what liberals believe in most the whole let's just spend it now and let the future worry about our mistakes since we take zero responsibility for our actions.
update quick from 1960-2009 the deficit increased 29 times and decreased 21 times, of those increases 21 of 29 times the dems controlled congress was split 6 times and reps only 2 times. in the 21 times it decreased the reps were responsible for 8 times and did so only between 1995-2006 (11 years), split only managed it twice during Reagan's time, and dems only did it 11 times despite controlling congress 32 of the years between 1960 and 2009. So dems 21 years of increased deficit compared to 11 decreased years.
You can certainly argue your personal view points on why you may not like conservatives but you are basing it on social action and not government action. This is no different than a modern day separation of church and state in my opinion. We are letting too many social actions get in the way of letting government be able to better manage itself. Maybe at best the government should say ok we will set aside a certain percentage of spending for social programs and then hand the money off to a separate entity that then decides who and where the money will go. Liberals don't understand that bringing our deficit into check actually can open up the opportunity for more money to be allotted to more social programs and education. We can then give people more incentive to donate money via tax breaks to also better support social programs that the individual actually supports and believes in. Why should tax money be going to some programs that some tax payers disagree with completely? I think a certain level of social programs is needed because there are indeed times when people are down and out or just need a little helping hand to get by, plus things like education are very important too. Now education is important but school boards, tuition and stuff need to also be brought into check. People complain corporations are making so much money, but they forget how much money people are making through the education systems here. You can try to argue teachers don't get paid enough, but I say for public school teachers the money they make is damn good actually. The schooling they went for doesn't get them six figure salaries nor does any other profession with that level of schooling typically. If they go and get super educated and only are satisfied with being a public school teacher then they are the fools.
Well bottom line is we need to wake up and figure out how to let government run itself efficiently. We need to stop wasteful spending throughout and seriously make major cut backs. It will hurt some people yes, but that also means we the people need to stand up and be more accountable in our actions. We should take a look at some other places and see how the citizens conduct themselves and maybe take a lesson from them. Enough with the me first attitude and change it to a lets make our country a better place for all.
where is this chinese economic boom?
Seriously I do not know where these people come up with this crap. Why does anyone actually think China has suddenly all this money to spend, and I mean non government spending. They talk about this rising Chinese middle class, middle class compared to who other Chinese? China is a place of terribly super rich and dirt poor ( in most modernized top economic countries) Chinese middle class is not the $40k a year type we are used to seeing but rather a paltry $3000 per capita. This is why you hardly see individual Chinese taking trips abroad and spending lots of cash, simply because they don't have it folks. The Chinese you see show up always come in groups and they are those who are doing better than middle class for the most part.
I can't understand why the world tries to go gaga over China's economy right now, it is fake and a fraud and how people can't understand this is beyond my comprehension. Their economic machine is like an engine that requires premium fuel to run but they are trying to make it work using the cheapest knock off lowest grade fuel they can. Eventually the machine is going to stop working correctly and their is going to be maintenance costs that far exceed the money they generate in their economy. China simply can't survive being the worlds producer of shitty goods. The cost of doing business is rising fast in China and companies are starting to bail out of their. The people are demanding rising wages too because they are waking up to seeing that they have been underpaid grossly. Plus on top of it butt loads of Chinese continually try to and do leave the country for greener pastures throughout the world. It is much the same as with Indians too, proof that unless you actually have a sustainable economy, modernized and at least have your population in check, your best and brightest potential future stars of society will continue to flee. It is why you still see people who will be like oh i was a surgeon back home but now i am a taxi driver etc etc, because they actually make more money even despite the drastic cost of living difference. They also give their children a better and brighter future too.
Everyone can talk shit about the US all they want but the fact remains the majority of people trying to immigrate to another country still place the US as the #1 place. Even with our economic slump we still offer more opportunities on an equal scale than anyone else in the world. America truly is the land of equal opportunities, but it does not guarantee equal success for everyone. This is also why it is so critical that we steer away from socialist programs that try to spread the wealth to those who do little to deserve it. Europe is a ship sinking fast after their failed socialistic policies have bankrupted them far beyond you can even imagine and way more than they are telling you. I smelled that stinky dead fish from across the pond years ago and I openly questioned how can this charade of a shell game keep continuing and for how long. The funny thing is back to China and it is the Chinese who are buying up Europe's worthless debt, and I have a feeling it will be the catalyst that starts to break the so called Chinese economic machine. Europe will take decades to fully recover, unless they figure some way to manipulate and con the world into believing they are somehow stable again and refocus the worlds economic woes back on the US as they have tried to do to cover their asses. The funny thing for the US is that despite our economic downturn right now, we still manage to keep chugging right along.
Just remember too that during all this that the US has never lost its #1 status as the world economic super power, you can chuck all the lowered credit ratings and stuff out the window too. Simply put the US is #1 has been #1 for a shit long time and will continue to be #1 for the very foreseeable future too. The only difference that has ever happened is that other countries have battled it out for the other top spots and that basically the gap has closed more now than ever before. Other places might be getting closer, but getting closer and beating us is two different ball games.
So in closing, China may have a booming middle class within their own borders and you know what who cares. They always had a middle class and it probably has been the same % as it always has been, the only difference now is that the level of $ made is obviously more. China needs like a good civil war that could say eliminate about 1 billion people, then they would at least close the gap even further and actually be a player in the real global economy.
I can't understand why the world tries to go gaga over China's economy right now, it is fake and a fraud and how people can't understand this is beyond my comprehension. Their economic machine is like an engine that requires premium fuel to run but they are trying to make it work using the cheapest knock off lowest grade fuel they can. Eventually the machine is going to stop working correctly and their is going to be maintenance costs that far exceed the money they generate in their economy. China simply can't survive being the worlds producer of shitty goods. The cost of doing business is rising fast in China and companies are starting to bail out of their. The people are demanding rising wages too because they are waking up to seeing that they have been underpaid grossly. Plus on top of it butt loads of Chinese continually try to and do leave the country for greener pastures throughout the world. It is much the same as with Indians too, proof that unless you actually have a sustainable economy, modernized and at least have your population in check, your best and brightest potential future stars of society will continue to flee. It is why you still see people who will be like oh i was a surgeon back home but now i am a taxi driver etc etc, because they actually make more money even despite the drastic cost of living difference. They also give their children a better and brighter future too.
Everyone can talk shit about the US all they want but the fact remains the majority of people trying to immigrate to another country still place the US as the #1 place. Even with our economic slump we still offer more opportunities on an equal scale than anyone else in the world. America truly is the land of equal opportunities, but it does not guarantee equal success for everyone. This is also why it is so critical that we steer away from socialist programs that try to spread the wealth to those who do little to deserve it. Europe is a ship sinking fast after their failed socialistic policies have bankrupted them far beyond you can even imagine and way more than they are telling you. I smelled that stinky dead fish from across the pond years ago and I openly questioned how can this charade of a shell game keep continuing and for how long. The funny thing is back to China and it is the Chinese who are buying up Europe's worthless debt, and I have a feeling it will be the catalyst that starts to break the so called Chinese economic machine. Europe will take decades to fully recover, unless they figure some way to manipulate and con the world into believing they are somehow stable again and refocus the worlds economic woes back on the US as they have tried to do to cover their asses. The funny thing for the US is that despite our economic downturn right now, we still manage to keep chugging right along.
Just remember too that during all this that the US has never lost its #1 status as the world economic super power, you can chuck all the lowered credit ratings and stuff out the window too. Simply put the US is #1 has been #1 for a shit long time and will continue to be #1 for the very foreseeable future too. The only difference that has ever happened is that other countries have battled it out for the other top spots and that basically the gap has closed more now than ever before. Other places might be getting closer, but getting closer and beating us is two different ball games.
So in closing, China may have a booming middle class within their own borders and you know what who cares. They always had a middle class and it probably has been the same % as it always has been, the only difference now is that the level of $ made is obviously more. China needs like a good civil war that could say eliminate about 1 billion people, then they would at least close the gap even further and actually be a player in the real global economy.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
back to school kiddo's
I honestly think the first day back to school is the day parents look most forward to here. After 3 months of having the kids home on summer vacation it is a welcome relief to get some quiet time again.
I love you kids very much but time to go back to the old grind. Hope you two have a great day today, be happy and just enjoy your first day back. I will see you guys when you get home. ^^
I love you kids very much but time to go back to the old grind. Hope you two have a great day today, be happy and just enjoy your first day back. I will see you guys when you get home. ^^
Friday, August 31, 2012
middle class are moving ahead?
This article should really read the middle class are moving ahead. Sure the middle class as a whole may be shrinking, but according to this graph in this article it actually shows something positive. It shows 10% has moved out of middle income, but what people are not looking at is where did this 10% go? Look carefully and you will see that the reality of it is that actually 6% moved into the upper income and 4% moved into the lower. So over the past 40 years that actually means more middle income people did better and that overall the upper income level in america has increased the most. There used to be 11% more lower income level people than upper but that gap has narrowed to only 9% now.
Don't get me wrong, I would like to see us do more to be able to shift that 4% back to middle and bring some more from lower into it too. Same as I would like to see the continuing trend of more middle shifting towards upper as well. I would also have to imagine a large part of those that shifted towards the lower is probably due unemployment and or being underemployed currently. A rise back in the American economy and job sector could easily make these numbers change. As the cost of doing business in China rises economist's are predicting a shift of jobs returning back to the US. Some places have already started this.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Starting to smell a lot like Packers Football!!!
So today we will get our first taste of some preseason Packer's football as they take on the San Diego Chargers in San Diego at 7PM CST. Not to get too excited since it is just the first preseason game, but the fact that preseason has started only means the countdown to the regular season opening day game has begun. It will be nice to see some of the new players out there in action tonight, I really never pay much attention to training camp since I figure it is the coaches and personal that will determine who makes the team in the end anyway. Once regular season begins then it is time to buckle down and know who is on the team.
Good luck to the Packers always nice to come out on top so I hope they win, but more important is getting out of San Diego injury free.
Go Pack Go!!!
On a second note in the Olympics, remember women's soccer today at 1:45PM CST Team USA will be facing Team Japan in the final to decide the gold. If you remember the US lost to Japan in the world cup last year in an exciting game. I don't follow soccer too much so I do not know how many of these players played on those teams last year. Hopefully both teams will give their fans another exciting final game. This time I do have to say I hope Team USA comes out on top.....sorry sweetie :P
and in women's Olympic basketball Team USA faces Team Australia in the semi-finals at 11AM CST
Good luck to the Packers always nice to come out on top so I hope they win, but more important is getting out of San Diego injury free.
Go Pack Go!!!
On a second note in the Olympics, remember women's soccer today at 1:45PM CST Team USA will be facing Team Japan in the final to decide the gold. If you remember the US lost to Japan in the world cup last year in an exciting game. I don't follow soccer too much so I do not know how many of these players played on those teams last year. Hopefully both teams will give their fans another exciting final game. This time I do have to say I hope Team USA comes out on top.....sorry sweetie :P
and in women's Olympic basketball Team USA faces Team Australia in the semi-finals at 11AM CST
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Don't let the door hit you on the way out PG
Today now officially marked the day that I will not be able to access my local papers website page for free. I do not really understand how they think this is a smart move. I wonder are there other news agencies websites going this route too? Why should we have to pay for access if we are bombarded with advertising? The Green Bay Press Gazette has had some of the most ridiculous forms of advertising plaguing their site, but being that it was free you figured you deal with it as being part of the package.
What they are doing now will just drive people to accessing the local TV news websites along with other national/international news websites. I am not sure how the Press Gazette thinks it can monopolize and control access to printed media here in their subscription base area.
I wonder how long it will be before they either resort back to the way it was or that someone else picks up the pieces and creates a new free local news access site. It certainly sounds like a tempting idea, so anyone that might take to the idea now remember where you heard it first.
What they are doing now will just drive people to accessing the local TV news websites along with other national/international news websites. I am not sure how the Press Gazette thinks it can monopolize and control access to printed media here in their subscription base area.
I wonder how long it will be before they either resort back to the way it was or that someone else picks up the pieces and creates a new free local news access site. It certainly sounds like a tempting idea, so anyone that might take to the idea now remember where you heard it first.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
WTF Cousins?!?!?!?!?!
Don't you just hate it when.....
Sleeping nice and sound and I suddenly wake up to the smell of smoke and hearing faint popping and cracking noises. I am coming out of a full sleep and it is obviously taking me awhile to figure out everything. I roll over and pick up my phone staring at the time, I can notice flashes of lightning in the sky. I keep smelling this smell and hearing these noises, so I pop out of bed thinking OK wow maybe something was struck by lightning and is now I fire. I quickly scan my place, whew nothing on fire here. I think oh maybe one of the neighbors units might have caught fire or maybe something. I open the front door, one of the neighbors I can see smoking outside I think this isn't what's causing the smell. I go open my backdoor and what the hell the neighbors are having a bonfire....grrr
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Wednesday Whimper
Well it looked like we were going to get a nice storm to roll through, but it ended up being more of a whimper. Started out good, things got dark, clouds started to roll in from the north and then lightning started to dance across the clouds. Check out and look at the map, yep looks like a nice little storm coming this way. Then wham-o a flash of light and instant crash of a lightning strike as if it struck right in the backyard. It was like OK the storm will start now, then all it does it rain a little bit and it was The only good thing is right now the temperature is a little cooler, I can feel a bit cooler air moving through my fan.
Thankfully though the morning bike ride to get some donuts was fantastic, as was being able to spend a lot of extra time with my girlfriend too.
I guess I should go make some dinner, it surely isn't going to make itself.
Thankfully though the morning bike ride to get some donuts was fantastic, as was being able to spend a lot of extra time with my girlfriend too.
I guess I should go make some dinner, it surely isn't going to make itself.
Monday, July 30, 2012
It's Monday Funday...hahaha
Well survived the weekend, a weekend of not drinking and today is the end of the first complete week of no drinking and for also taking all the meds my doctor prescribed for me. I am just so bad at taking pills blah, but it is starting to become the daily routine. I do have to remind myself to buzz in for a refill on one of them, taking double dose ran out too fast. Also good note is some weight is starting to be shed too, that is the main goal I really have but lets see if it keeps up.
I realized last night that my kids have been devouring the cups of noodles my girlfriend sent me. How I did not notice that many were gone already...hehe oh well, they are meant to be enjoyed and I am sure she would love to know that the kids are also enjoying them too.
I tried out some mango flavored calpis drink last night too finally. I made up a half a gallon of it, and my daughter and I both liked it a lot. My son on the other hand claims to have tried it and didn't like it, though no one actually saw him try it. He sometimes gets a little picky and fussy about things, usually can tell because he starts to get real defensive about it. Well moral of this story is the mango flavored calpis, or calpico as it is sold here in the US, is pretty good. Matter of fact I have a jug of water chilling down in the freezer so I can make another batch of it right now.
So now it is Monday about 7:45am my girlfriend just came online so now it is time for me to cut this short so I can spend time with her. I love being able to wake up to spending time with her everyday.
I realized last night that my kids have been devouring the cups of noodles my girlfriend sent me. How I did not notice that many were gone already...hehe oh well, they are meant to be enjoyed and I am sure she would love to know that the kids are also enjoying them too.
I tried out some mango flavored calpis drink last night too finally. I made up a half a gallon of it, and my daughter and I both liked it a lot. My son on the other hand claims to have tried it and didn't like it, though no one actually saw him try it. He sometimes gets a little picky and fussy about things, usually can tell because he starts to get real defensive about it. Well moral of this story is the mango flavored calpis, or calpico as it is sold here in the US, is pretty good. Matter of fact I have a jug of water chilling down in the freezer so I can make another batch of it right now.
So now it is Monday about 7:45am my girlfriend just came online so now it is time for me to cut this short so I can spend time with her. I love being able to wake up to spending time with her everyday.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Should have went sooner :P
Well boneheaded me knew that we were suppose to get some rain, yet I procrastinated all day. I felt the humidity get sickly thick, yet I still procrastinated. I finally check and I see there is a small but heavy rain cloud that developed outside Green Bay, I say sure I can bike to the store and back before it rains. I think you know the moral of this story, if you need to go to the store on bicycle or foot and you know it is supposed to rain, don't procrastinate!!!!
It only rained for a little bit but I think it purposely decided to rain as many buckets on me during my bike ride home. I felt like a bad drunk driver the rain was coming down so hard it was getting in my eyes plus couldn't see out of my glasses, I could tell I was swerving all over the road. I tried to wipe the water from my eyes just enough to open them to see a little better, but ever wipe just made it worse and worse as it was mixed rain and sweat in my eyes by that point. My bag with the loaf of bread I could feel it filling up with water, and my bike has no fender so i could feel the back tire spitting water up my backside too. By the time I reached my door every bit of me, my clothing and back pack were 100% soaked. Sadly I had just changed into fresh wares from head to toe before I left, I would have just wore my old grubs had I known this would have been the outcome.
I have finally started to take all the medication my doctor prescribed to me. It is making me a little jittery so far but my body has not adjusted to taking them yet, got to give it a couple weeks. It is making me way less hungry so I am sure some of those jitters is from not eating as much as my body was craving. That too made it a little more difficult in biking home too, my mind was wanting to bike hard and fast and my body was thinking something completely different
Well that is all I have to say on this matter. Time for me to dry off and do nothing.
It only rained for a little bit but I think it purposely decided to rain as many buckets on me during my bike ride home. I felt like a bad drunk driver the rain was coming down so hard it was getting in my eyes plus couldn't see out of my glasses, I could tell I was swerving all over the road. I tried to wipe the water from my eyes just enough to open them to see a little better, but ever wipe just made it worse and worse as it was mixed rain and sweat in my eyes by that point. My bag with the loaf of bread I could feel it filling up with water, and my bike has no fender so i could feel the back tire spitting water up my backside too. By the time I reached my door every bit of me, my clothing and back pack were 100% soaked. Sadly I had just changed into fresh wares from head to toe before I left, I would have just wore my old grubs had I known this would have been the outcome.
I have finally started to take all the medication my doctor prescribed to me. It is making me a little jittery so far but my body has not adjusted to taking them yet, got to give it a couple weeks. It is making me way less hungry so I am sure some of those jitters is from not eating as much as my body was craving. That too made it a little more difficult in biking home too, my mind was wanting to bike hard and fast and my body was thinking something completely different
Well that is all I have to say on this matter. Time for me to dry off and do nothing.
Monday, July 23, 2012
How awesome is my sweetie!!!
I had such a bad headache and wasn't feeling very good at all this morning. It was also really hot and just felt like blah. I took ibuprofen tried to lay down, slept for a few hours extra but it was never straight sleep. It was just such an uncomfortable morning. I didn't get to see my gf like I usually do every morning just a little bit of chatting before she let me go so I could rest.
Well needless to say that by early afternoon I was at least feeling a little better and I was able to get up and about. I could hear the mail truck pull up outside and I watched the mail lady put in everyone's mail and pulled ahead like she normally does to go walk the mail into the next building since their boxes are inside. Then I notice she got out of her truck and walked to the back and opened the door. I was like oh yeah she is going to be bringing me my package the my gf sent me. Sure enough i could see a box with Japanese writing and a picture of some melons. Talk about turning my not so good morning into a happy rest of the day. I still never really got rid of my headache until later this evening, but I was so happy.
My gf knows she doesn't have to send me anything, but I hope she knows how much I really do love and appreciate that she does. I feel like a little kid on your birthday or Christmas morning, that pure excitement and joy. I love it because I know some stuff she is going to send but I don't know it all and it is always a great surprise to see what is in the box.
So without further ado I will just post some pics of the goods I got today. A big thank you goes out to my sweetie, you simply are the best I love you <3<3<3 Sorry baby I didn't get the sandals in the pictures, mom took them before I could take any pictures when I got home...hehe She says thank you too.
Well needless to say that by early afternoon I was at least feeling a little better and I was able to get up and about. I could hear the mail truck pull up outside and I watched the mail lady put in everyone's mail and pulled ahead like she normally does to go walk the mail into the next building since their boxes are inside. Then I notice she got out of her truck and walked to the back and opened the door. I was like oh yeah she is going to be bringing me my package the my gf sent me. Sure enough i could see a box with Japanese writing and a picture of some melons. Talk about turning my not so good morning into a happy rest of the day. I still never really got rid of my headache until later this evening, but I was so happy.
My gf knows she doesn't have to send me anything, but I hope she knows how much I really do love and appreciate that she does. I feel like a little kid on your birthday or Christmas morning, that pure excitement and joy. I love it because I know some stuff she is going to send but I don't know it all and it is always a great surprise to see what is in the box.
So without further ado I will just post some pics of the goods I got today. A big thank you goes out to my sweetie, you simply are the best I love you <3<3<3 Sorry baby I didn't get the sandals in the pictures, mom took them before I could take any pictures when I got home...hehe She says thank you too.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Productive but yet lazy Sunday:P
Today was one of those days that I did stuff but yet felt like I did absolutely nothing. I started the day off spending a couple hours with my girlfriend (all be it late for the second day in a row..sorry sweetie my alarm is set this time :P). Then I was anticipating my mother to come over so I did some cleaning, dishes, laundry and all that fun stuff. My mom did come but they were a little too tired from the drive so they asked if they could pick the kids and me up tomorrow. Then I made a nice spicy pork, veggies, and rice lunch, after which I ended up dozing off in my chair for awhile.
After waking up a little bit I got my clothes out of the dryer and then took a nice shower, scrubbed off that god forsaken constant sweaty feeling I seem to keep having all summer. After that Calvin jr and I we biked to the grocery store. I was really in the mood for some fruit so picked up some strawberries, bing cherries, honeydew melon, bananas and some watermelon. Also picked up a few other things while we were there. I must have had 50 pounds of stuff in my pack back alone, plus carried like 4 bags on my handlebars and hands.
When we got home and after putting everything away, I cut up the watermelon. I have been craving some good sweet juicy ripe watermelon for awhile but just kept forgetting to buy some. They had a cut quarter of a watermelon that i purchased, it was really big, nice and red and I could smell how good it was through the plastic wrap. Well needless to say between the kids and me, we devoured that whole quarter in less than 10 mins. I seriously may go down as one of the greatest watermelons I ever had in my entire life.
Well that is about all I have to blog about I was super satisfied by watermelon life is good.
I'll try to post some more stuff as I think of things
After waking up a little bit I got my clothes out of the dryer and then took a nice shower, scrubbed off that god forsaken constant sweaty feeling I seem to keep having all summer. After that Calvin jr and I we biked to the grocery store. I was really in the mood for some fruit so picked up some strawberries, bing cherries, honeydew melon, bananas and some watermelon. Also picked up a few other things while we were there. I must have had 50 pounds of stuff in my pack back alone, plus carried like 4 bags on my handlebars and hands.
When we got home and after putting everything away, I cut up the watermelon. I have been craving some good sweet juicy ripe watermelon for awhile but just kept forgetting to buy some. They had a cut quarter of a watermelon that i purchased, it was really big, nice and red and I could smell how good it was through the plastic wrap. Well needless to say between the kids and me, we devoured that whole quarter in less than 10 mins. I seriously may go down as one of the greatest watermelons I ever had in my entire life.
Well that is about all I have to blog about I was super satisfied by watermelon life is good.
I'll try to post some more stuff as I think of things
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
life saver
OK so I have had this bad chapped lower lip, split right down the middle killing me kind of one. For the life of me I have searched high and low and could not find any lip balm anywhere for days. Then just before I was complaining and asked my daughter do you know where any of the lip balm is? She goes oh yeah there is some sitting right here on the table. I was like WHAAAAAAT????? because I had checked that table numerous times already....haha
Lets just say my lip is already feeling so awesome now, thanks daughter you are a life saver.
Lets just say my lip is already feeling so awesome now, thanks daughter you are a life saver.
back from the dead...haha
OK so haven't blogged anything in some time now. Talking to my girlfriend this morning she said asked me how come I haven't made any new posts. She told me she missed reading new posts by me. I thought that was a wonderfully great thing for her to say to me, so that talk has given me some inspiration to start posting again. She asked me to promise her that I would do my best to post more often on here again.
I really shouldn't have neglected this blog as long as I have, but I think I was just in a writing slump. Thanks sweetie, I will really do my best to post more on here for you and of course anyone else who reads this.
I really shouldn't have neglected this blog as long as I have, but I think I was just in a writing slump. Thanks sweetie, I will really do my best to post more on here for you and of course anyone else who reads this.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
New Care Package!!^^
Sorry have not made a post on here in some time now. I was super sick for the past week and now I finally am feeling back to par again.
So what better way to get back to posting than to post about getting another awesome care package from my girlfriend this morning. She is such a sweetheart always thinking about me.
I get to try some new goodies from Japan. The box contained 2 cans of Calpis Water an uncarbonated dairy based soft drink, 2 bottles of Ponzu jelly sauce, 2 bowls of some instant sukiyaki flavored Udon, 2 packs of regular pork Ramen and 2 packs of pork with soy sauce Ramen, a pack of 21 individual serving (4 flavors) of Miso Soup, and 2 packages of some Milky candy.
These are all new for me to try, so I am excited as always. Time to go put the beverages in the fridge to cool down a bit, then I will debate what to try first.
Big thank you to my sweetest, you know you are the best. love you baby <3
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Japan shuts down last nuclear reactor
Over the weekend the last of Japan's nuclear reactors was shut down. Though this doesn't appear to be a permanent thing being they said it was for regular maintenance. What a tough issue to take sides with in regards to nuclear energy.
I can certainly see how there would be a fear of nuclear energy for some in Japan. Rightfully so, there is an area surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi power plant that is going to be useless for a long time to come. I am not sure though if anyone, outside of workers at the plant, has died as a direct result of the nuclear accident there. How much has the environment exactly been effected? THese are all legitimate concerns and I understand the fear people have, it is human nature to act like this.
I know Japan is highly active when it comes to earthquakes, but we know that the actual earthquake didn't cause damage to the plant. Instead it was the ensuing tsunami that crippled the plant by taking out its ability to keep the reactors cool. We can't think realistically that Japan will suffer another earthquake and also a tsunami of this magnitude in the near future. This was an epic event that only happens so often, very rare you can say.
So next thing is to look at exactly where all of Japan's reactors are located. Since I am no expert in determining what areas are safer than others when it comes to earthquakes and tsunamis, I will leave that to those who can. I will say that I am sure there are reactors that are not in such potential dangerous locations though.
Is it necessary for Japan to really shut down all it's working and operational reactors? I mean really does shutting them down help even in the slightest bit? Technically isn't it more just stopped production of electricity and not really shutting down? Isn't there still nuclear fuel rods that need to be continually cooled down regardless of the plant being operational or not? So if for some reason another catastrophe strikes Japan again while these plants are shut down, and one or even several plants suffer something similar to the Fukushima plant, they would suffer similar fates too?
Since no one has a real viable alternative to fix the situation immediately really all Japan is doing is simply not being as efficient as it could be with it's energy creation. Nuclear once you build it and stock it with nuclear fuel, I think you are pretty much stuck with it until you can completely remove it and find somewhere else to store it safely. That is a big question then, where will all the fuel and spent rods go from Japan's plants if they decide to shut these down permanently? Japan is not that big and what prefecture and communities there will be the ones to say sure we will accept your nuclear waste gladly? If any place accepts it openly then they might as well turn around and build a plant there and use the fuel and put it to use.
Nuclear energy is indeed safe and clean when all goes well. The real lesson here is be prepared for the unexpected. The world never had to experience this situation before, Chernobyl was different that was not caused by an act of nature, and three mile was an accident where the safe guards prevented disaster from actually happening. Regardless of how these nuclear events occur we can certainly learn from them. I am sure engineers are already working on a better more fail proof safety net all nuclear power plants everywhere will be looking into. Unfortunately right now Japan has to be reactive instead of having the chance to be proactive, granted the reactive measures will now help be proactive for the future.
Nuclear energy made up about 30% of Japan's energy consumption. That means now fossil fuel power plants will have to output more energy. This means more consumption of fossil fuels, more demand may drive market prices higher for everyone, more pollution, greater potential of increased health effects and the unknown factor still if they can produce enough energy long term to sustain the world’s 3rd largest economy. Right now it is all fine because it is still spring and Japan has not gotten hot yet. Last year so many people were conservative with their energy consumption because of the disaster in March. How long can the people keep that up? If the summer gets too hot, more and more people are going to want to turn on their A/C's, fans, etc. If the economy heats up then production at factories probably will increase as well, that means even more power consumption will take place.
I know the environmentalists, anti-nuclear and those who simply live in fear think they are doing the right thing, and I know their minds are in the right place, but I just simply see them as those who want to complain but have no real viable solution to the problem. Saying to get rid of, shut down, or whatever simply is not the right way. Plus on top of it the almost vast majority of these people have little to zero clue about the subject, so they can't even weigh in professionally. Activism is great so long as you can offer real solutions to what you are being active about. I would like to see those against nuclear energy show me their plans to eliminate the already existing plants, and I mean a real legitimate plan.
Caught on video
This video is pretty crazy. The guy is totally lucky. Good thing actually cars are designed to help reduce injuries from accidents like this, and also the fact the driver of the car even though he hit the guy was still aware enough to try to avoid him and then enough smarts to stop the car and not run over him. Being they were on a pretty busy highway he could have easily have been run over after being struck.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Why of course "I'll Have Another"
Congrats to Kentucky Derby 138 winner I'll Have Another and his connection's in winning the 2012 Kentucky Derby. I didn't bet but I am glad because I would not have landed on this horse. I will though have another drink to celebrate the fact that I did not lose.
Here is a little Kentucky Derby Poem I wrote during the post parade, it is quick and rough
Here is a little Kentucky Derby Poem I wrote during the post parade, it is quick and rough
Every year on the first Saturday in May
In the land where the blue grass grows
More than hundred and fifty thousand gather
Where the bourbon flows
The poor and the rich
The famous and unknown
All have their opinions
Everyone and their mother has one no one is alone
They say it is the fastest two minutes in sports
But it is the longest wait for those who know
From players, trainers and owners
We all know only twenty will make it
From the tens of thousands foals
When the first Saturday comes
There will be all the parties and fun
Everybody who is anybody
Will be there to see those three year olds run
When everybody comes to Louisville in May
They are there to be under the Twin Spires
The women and their hats, mint juleps and more
Will one have what it takes to beat Big Red’s
Derby record under the wire
It is the first race of the Triple Crown
The Derby is the run for the roses
In the end there is only one winner
Only one when the cameras flash
Who will be striking their pose
With all the money bet on the race
Some are serious some just for fun
There are those who lose and those who won
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Good luck Mr. Einhorn, hope you get a square price on your bet too.
I've just got to post this so that i remember the places
Here is a list of some of the favorite dinning spots around the Green Bay area based on viewer submissions to the Green Bay Press Gazette. I hope the link stays good|galleriespic|life
I have to remember some of these places, and hope they are still open when my girlfriend moves here. That way I have some nice places for her and I to go. Whether it be for some lunch of a nice dinner, it is always nice to be able to go to some nice places with your significant other. Oh I am sure you are reading this too sweetie, so now you know as well. ^^
1955 - SI's Kentucky Derby Covers - Photos -
1965 SI Kentucky Derby Cover |
1955 - SI's Kentucky Derby Covers - Photos -
Always a good reason to help promote horse racing.
A few pictures from a walk yesterday
Saturday, April 28, 2012
just a little something on some drinks
Well the other day I did pick up some Hinterland Amber Ale and some Saison Farmhouse Ale. These were just OK in my opinion, I don't think I could really drink more than one bottle of either in a sitting. They are just not good drinking beers, but maybe more something to have with a meal.
I also picked up a couple other pricey brews. I bought a bottle of Samuel Adams Dark Depths Baltic IPA. This was much better than the Hinterland brews though it still was not a good drinking beer but another great beer to have with a nice hearty meal. It has a 7.6% alcohol content which I always like to see beers with higher alcohol. The only bad thing is usually higher alcohol tends to mean higher price too.
The other new brew I bought to try out was Lake Front Brewery's Local Acre Lager Now this was by far the best of the bunch I bought. I nice golden lager with a decent 7% alcohol content. It was both a good meal beer and one that you could drink more of easily. Also the fact that it is another quality beer brewed in Wisconsin so you have to love that. I like to keep money here in the state and locally when I can, always good to support your local economy.
I picked up a 6 pack of Mike's Hard Limeade, this stuff is way too tasty. I love limeade, lime Popsicle, and so on and this stuff is bad news for me..haha. They are especially really good ice cold on a nice hot summer day.
Now for the weekend I just picked up some good old reliable stuff to drink. I bought a 6 pack of some good easy to drink and taste great Kirin Ichiban Japanese beer. It is just a nice golden beer that goes down smooth, can drink plenty of them if you are thirsty that is for sure.
Then I also purchased a bottle of the always cheap and dependable Old Thompson Whiskey. If you are in the mood for some mixer drinks with whiskey this is by far your best value, when it is mixed it is not even noticed. Heck to be honest it isn't even that bad of a whiskey to drink shots of either. Granted it is no high quality bourbon or anything, but it is not terrible like some whiskey's out there. All I need is some Coke and I can easily drink this cheap whiskey any day, but give me the chance I would much rather have a great bourbon instead.
1940's Old Thompson Ad. I thought of course , my friends always stop over in their helicopter's. |
Busy, Busy, Busy
Have not had much time this week to make any posts on here. I had a lot of things I had to do this past week and just didn't find the time to post anything. So now that the busy part of the week is over I can sit down finally and write something new, although be it probably not very interesting.
Well finally made it to the doctor's this week and now I have to go to physical therapy, of which I started this week too. Doctor said there was too much swelling in my knees and my back was too tight. My physical therapist concluded that indeed I was way too tight especially in my pelvic and back area. For now I will be going twice a week to PT and also having to do twice a day at home exercises everyday. I also tried to get myself out and much more active this week. I put in quite a few miles on the bike and also put in a decent amount of miles walking too. I know I need to get both non weight bearing and weight bearing exercises.
The quest is to get myself feeling back to normal again. The accident I was in didn't produce any outward physical injuries, but boy has it ever made my knees, back, and pelvic area not feel very up to par and it has been nearly 2 months since it happened. I will just follow what the professionals say to do and hopefully we will start to see some positive results soon too.
I was also able to get a lot of the paperwork and things the insurance company needed out to the agent this week, I am sure she is happy about that. I sometimes end up being such a protagonist when it comes to these sorts of things. The main thing now is that they have the information they needed. I still need to get my bike down for an inspection to see what the cost of repairs is going to be. Either way, replacing the bike or fixing it, it will be nice when it is done. The bike now as it rides is not very reliable and not the smoothest ride either, but it does get me from point A to point B and when it is your only form of transportation you have to make due.
Well finally made it to the doctor's this week and now I have to go to physical therapy, of which I started this week too. Doctor said there was too much swelling in my knees and my back was too tight. My physical therapist concluded that indeed I was way too tight especially in my pelvic and back area. For now I will be going twice a week to PT and also having to do twice a day at home exercises everyday. I also tried to get myself out and much more active this week. I put in quite a few miles on the bike and also put in a decent amount of miles walking too. I know I need to get both non weight bearing and weight bearing exercises.
The quest is to get myself feeling back to normal again. The accident I was in didn't produce any outward physical injuries, but boy has it ever made my knees, back, and pelvic area not feel very up to par and it has been nearly 2 months since it happened. I will just follow what the professionals say to do and hopefully we will start to see some positive results soon too.
I was also able to get a lot of the paperwork and things the insurance company needed out to the agent this week, I am sure she is happy about that. I sometimes end up being such a protagonist when it comes to these sorts of things. The main thing now is that they have the information they needed. I still need to get my bike down for an inspection to see what the cost of repairs is going to be. Either way, replacing the bike or fixing it, it will be nice when it is done. The bike now as it rides is not very reliable and not the smoothest ride either, but it does get me from point A to point B and when it is your only form of transportation you have to make due.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Thanks Sweetie, you are the best :*
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The box it came in, I bet those oranges probably tasted great!:P |
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packed with some Japanese newpaper, at least it was the sports section!! |
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All the goodies I got today, thanks baby! I lobe you <3 |
Saturday, April 21, 2012
And the walls came tumbling down
Old School Taco Bell Sign, anyone remember these? |
Then how could a trip to the mall be complete without a stop at the Gold Mine arcade. I can remember when I was a real little kid and being with like my Mom, and when we would pass by it that it seemed so dark and mysterious. It was as if the place not somewhere little kids should go, like as if there was some shady pedophile lurking in there ready to kidnap a kid. Once I got older and started to go there quickly you realized it was nothing like the image I imagined as a real little kid.
Looking at an old mall directory it said there was a Port Plaza Twin theater. That I do not remember at all, anyone who does remember should chime in on it. Was it short lived or what?
Now with the mall gone it is reminiscent in an eerie way of what the city had to do to pave the way for the mall to be built, basically create a big empty vacant area of land.
Downtown Green Bay 1950 |
Destroying the historic downtown |
Looking North down Washington. These would be razed to add a 3rd anchor to the mall and a parking lot. |
Concept Art for the mall and surrounding area 1974 |
The area that was razed facing Cedar what is now Main St, JC Penny would anchor this side of the mall. |
Another picture showing the large amount of area that was razed then to make way for the redevelopment downtown then |
Ironically it all comes full circle |
It was fun when the mall was the place to be, but as with everything all good things eventually come to an end. For better or worse Green Bay tried to experiment with redeveloping the downtown back then just as they are doing it now. Every time we go out with the old and in with the new there will be those who oppose it and those who welcome it. There had to be obvious economic reasons back then and just as there is now to do what they are trying to do. If we don't take risks and bring in change we get stuck and then there is never any growth. I never got to really see downtown before the mall, I don't remember it. I have to imagine it was a dying area for awhile and not nearly as happening as people try to make it. If it was they would have never thought of redeveloping it. We tend to want to remember the past as a little better than it really was. Lets hope that the new phase of downtown redevelopment can bring a positive economic change back to the downtown area. Retro is in so I guess we should take advantage of it along with the modern too, just make it built to last a couple decades and give room for growth and improvement too.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Just so happened yesterday :P^^
This is another one of those places I just really like. One dish I can never get enough of is their Spicy Chicken Chipotlé Molé, it also comes in pork as well. Besides the standard dish they also offer it in a burrito and chimichanga versions as well. I was able to make it in yesterday during lunch time and because my eyes are bigger than my stomach I ended up ordering too much food. I went with the Chicken Chipotlé Molé chimichanga and their 2 crispy taco (shredded beef) lunch special.
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Could have used some help eating all this!! |
1961 Wild Turkey Ad |

On another note, while I was at the grocery store yesterday I took a stop in the Liquor store as well. Copps Food Center liquor store had 12 pack bottles of Blue Moon products on sale for $11.99. I thought this was a pretty good deal for Copps so I picked myself up a summer sampler pack. This is a new version of the summer sampler, it has 4 different beers compared to the usual 3. The original three Pale Moon; Belgian White; Summer Honey Wheat are all there, but this time they also included some limited edition Agave Blonde Ale. Yesterday I was so stuffed and super tired that all I had was the three Pale Moon that came in the 12 pack. The kids go with their mother this weekend so I will be checking out the Agave Blonde Ale tonight, as well as drinking up the rest too. I mean we wouldn't want any of the other bottles to feel lonely now would we?
Funny how I left the house yesterday with one plan and in the end it ends up being completely different than what I had originally planned. Oh well, the day was still good despite the change in plans and the not so great chilly and eventually rainy weather.
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